The Vision Lives On...

Luis Palau’s legacy stands on his enduring faithfulness to proclaim the Gospel. 

Same Good News.
A new generation.

Today, the Palau Association is led by Luis’ sons, Kevin, Andrew, and Keith. Along with more than 60 team members located across the globe, they continue to joyfully proclaim the Good News, unite the Church, and activate believers worldwide.

While the passion for the Good News remains the same, today we’re telling the story of Jesus to a new generation. We’re innovating. We’re sending the Gospel farther and faster. We’re stepping through open doors as though lives depend on it—because they do! This is only possible because of generous partners—like you—who care deeply about the lost and will do anything for them to hear the Good News. 

You make hope possible.

Life without Jesus is no way to live. And yet, billions spend their whole lives searching for hope, meaning…a reason to keep going. Some never find it. But, we know the One who sets us free. And we have been entrusted with the great privilege of sharing Jesus—the light of the world—with all who walk in darkness. 

They need to know that… 
There's a loving God who would rather die than leave them alone in the world, without hope. 
Death has been defeated. 
God is near to the brokenhearted. 
They are offered a new, unending life. 

Together, this is our calling. Let’s proclaim the Good News and invite people to life in Christ. Will you join us?

Dad clearly recognized the importance of a team. He always said, ‘An evangelist without a team is nothing.’ And I know he was thinking of friends like you when he said that.

Kevin Palau | CEO