This is Part
of the series entitled,
This is Part
of the series entitled,

You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.

Matthew 5:14

Join Luis Palau as he shares powerful insights on being a beacon of hope in our communities. Discover the transformative impact of serving others quietly, embodying the principles of a servant leader. Explore the connection between evangelism, service, and salvation as Paul emphasizes the importance of spreading the Gospel. Hear inspiring stories of lives changed and communities transformed through acts of kindness and the proclamation of God's word.

Join Luis Palau as he shares powerful insights on being a beacon of hope in our communities. Discover the transformative impact of serving others quietly, embodying the principles of a servant leader. Explore the connection between evangelism, service, and salvation as Paul emphasizes the importance of spreading the Gospel. Hear inspiring stories of lives changed and communities transformed through acts of kindness and the proclamation of God's word.

There is nothing that energizes [you] more than leading people to surrender to Jesus Christ. It gives you life; it gives you excitement; it gives you something eternal to go for. It's a crown that will never fade away.


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