This is Part
of the series entitled,
All for the Gospel
This is Part
of the series entitled,
All for the Gospel

And because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained. So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.

2 Timothy 2:9-10

Step into a renewed zeal for evangelism as Luis teaches through 2 Timothy 2. Embrace the joy and urgency of proclaiming Jesus Christ just as Paul exhorted Timothy to do. Through powerful stories of bold witness, we'll rediscover the dignity of our role as ambassadors for Christ. This sermon sheds light on the evangelistic lifestyle—the path of faith-filled proclamation. Don't miss this opportunity to embrace your identity in evangelism and be freshly equipped to share the timeless message of Jesus with confidence and joy.

Step into a renewed zeal for evangelism as Luis teaches through 2 Timothy 2. Embrace the joy and urgency of proclaiming Jesus Christ just as Paul exhorted Timothy to do. Through powerful stories of bold witness, we'll rediscover the dignity of our role as ambassadors for Christ. This sermon sheds light on the evangelistic lifestyle—the path of faith-filled proclamation. Don't miss this opportunity to embrace your identity in evangelism and be freshly equipped to share the timeless message of Jesus with confidence and joy.

I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, and I'm going to be used of God again to tell people about the happy day when Jesus washed my sins away.


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