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So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”

Romans 8:15

Step into the embrace of the Father’s love as we explore the profound depth of God's fatherly affection. From tragic accounts of abandonment to tales of forgiveness and redemption, discover what happens when you run to the arms of God. Luis shares grounding scripture and heartfelt narratives to uncover the boundless grace and healing available through Jesus Christ. Join us as we explore the full meaning of the Lord’s invitation into His eternal family.

Step into the embrace of the Father’s love as we explore the profound depth of God's fatherly affection. From tragic accounts of abandonment to tales of forgiveness and redemption, discover what happens when you run to the arms of God. Luis shares grounding scripture and heartfelt narratives to uncover the boundless grace and healing available through Jesus Christ. Join us as we explore the full meaning of the Lord’s invitation into His eternal family.

God will be the father that your human father never was.


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