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The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

John 10:10

Luis Palau explores the true source of contentment for women, transcending wealth, beauty, or popularity. Discover the profound healing power of God's love and forgiveness, offering solace to those facing hurt and betrayal. Through personal stories of redemption, learn how Jesus Christ brings healing from abuse, divorce, and loss, guiding women to a life of freedom and joy. Find biblical comfort in widowhood or singleness. Don't miss this heartfelt teaching on finding true contentment and eternal life in Jesus. Listen along and open your heart to His love and grace.

Luis Palau explores the true source of contentment for women, transcending wealth, beauty, or popularity. Discover the profound healing power of God's love and forgiveness, offering solace to those facing hurt and betrayal. Through personal stories of redemption, learn how Jesus Christ brings healing from abuse, divorce, and loss, guiding women to a life of freedom and joy. Find biblical comfort in widowhood or singleness. Don't miss this heartfelt teaching on finding true contentment and eternal life in Jesus. Listen along and open your heart to His love and grace.

And [God] says, “Woman, I will be your husband. A man may be unfaithful, men may leave,” but He says, “I will never leave you.”


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