This is Part
of the series entitled,
The Blessings of Christ
This is Part
of the series entitled,
The Blessings of Christ

So you, too, must keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return.

Matthew 25:13

Luis takes us on an inspiring journey exploring the profound mysteries of the second coming and God's eternal plan. From Jesus' prophetic words to end-time fulfillment, be encouraged as he dispels misconceptions about Jesus' glorious return. Deepen your understanding of God's purposes for His chosen people, and anchor your hope in Christ. Join us in drawing closer to God’s heart through His divine revelation.

Luis takes us on an inspiring journey exploring the profound mysteries of the second coming and God's eternal plan. From Jesus' prophetic words to end-time fulfillment, be encouraged as he dispels misconceptions about Jesus' glorious return. Deepen your understanding of God's purposes for His chosen people, and anchor your hope in Christ. Join us in drawing closer to God’s heart through His divine revelation.

I want to meet Him with a clear conscience, and clean hands, and a clean heart so that I will be able to see His coming as a welcome.


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