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But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”

Galatians 3:13

Join Luis Palau as he delves into the profound implications of Paul's imprisonment in Rome. Explore the power of the Gospel message, unaltered, undiluted, as preached by Paul despite the opposition. Highlighting the importance of simplicity and authenticity in sharing the message of Jesus Christ, Luis urges listeners to focus on the central message of salvation through faith. Luis recounts the transformative power of the Gospel in the lives of individuals across Latin America. Be reminded of the call to evangelism—a mandate for all believers.

Join Luis Palau as he delves into the profound implications of Paul's imprisonment in Rome. Explore the power of the Gospel message, unaltered, undiluted, as preached by Paul despite the opposition. Highlighting the importance of simplicity and authenticity in sharing the message of Jesus Christ, Luis urges listeners to focus on the central message of salvation through faith. Luis recounts the transformative power of the Gospel in the lives of individuals across Latin America. Be reminded of the call to evangelism—a mandate for all believers.

Your word is perfect, and simple, and divine, and powerful dynamite. And, Lord, we don't want to deviate from it. We want to enjoy it every day.


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