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Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

Galatians 5:24-25

Join Luis Palau as he shares the key to overcoming sin and experiencing spiritual renewal. Delve into the root causes of sins like pornography and self-righteousness, and be strengthened by Jesus' transformative teachings. Luis illuminates the profound truth of Christ living within believers, revolutionizing their lives, and empowering them to live in righteousness. Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, believers find assurance of their identity as children of God and develop character through love, joy, and self-control. Embrace intimacy with Jesus for fruitfulness in ministry and surrender to God for personal renewal.

Join Luis Palau as he shares the key to overcoming sin and experiencing spiritual renewal. Delve into the root causes of sins like pornography and self-righteousness, and be strengthened by Jesus' transformative teachings. Luis illuminates the profound truth of Christ living within believers, revolutionizing their lives, and empowering them to live in righteousness. Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, believers find assurance of their identity as children of God and develop character through love, joy, and self-control. Embrace intimacy with Jesus for fruitfulness in ministry and surrender to God for personal renewal.

Come to the Lord again and have a crisis—where you fall on your face and you present your body as a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable to God.


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