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The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

Embark on a journey of profound truth with Luis Palau as he unpacks the timeless wisdom of Scripture. In a world where truth is often obscured, Luis’ teachings cut through the confusion, revealing Jesus Christ as the ultimate truth. From the Second Coming to God's sovereign plan, he offers clarity and perspective for navigating uncertain times. Luis’ heartfelt reflections and practical insights inspire faith and encourage a deeper trust in God's promises. Join him as he delves into the profound mysteries of Scripture, guiding listeners to embrace truth, trust in God's timing, and share His love with a world in need.

Embark on a journey of profound truth with Luis Palau as he unpacks the timeless wisdom of Scripture. In a world where truth is often obscured, Luis’ teachings cut through the confusion, revealing Jesus Christ as the ultimate truth. From the Second Coming to God's sovereign plan, he offers clarity and perspective for navigating uncertain times. Luis’ heartfelt reflections and practical insights inspire faith and encourage a deeper trust in God's promises. Join him as he delves into the profound mysteries of Scripture, guiding listeners to embrace truth, trust in God's timing, and share His love with a world in need.

He's talking about the second coming—He's in no hurry. His timing is perfect. He's neither too slow, nor too fast. Don't worry.


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