This is Part
of the series entitled,
Christ in You
This is Part
of the series entitled,
Christ in You

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18

In this impactful sermon from 2 Corinthians, Luis passionately explores what it means to live a God-honoring life through faith in Christ. Emphasizing unimpeachable integrity, the sermon describes believers as “living letters from Christ, inscribed on human hearts.” Through personal stories, he teaches about the incredible benefits of the indwelling of Christ, urging believers to trust God's promises over human reasoning. With humor and heart, Luis encourages a Christ-centered identity, concluding with a powerful call to live transformed by the Holy Spirit, and reliance on Christ’s presence. These are the lives that bless the nations.

In this impactful sermon from 2 Corinthians, Luis passionately explores what it means to live a God-honoring life through faith in Christ. Emphasizing unimpeachable integrity, the sermon describes believers as “living letters from Christ, inscribed on human hearts.” Through personal stories, he teaches about the incredible benefits of the indwelling of Christ, urging believers to trust God's promises over human reasoning. With humor and heart, Luis encourages a Christ-centered identity, concluding with a powerful call to live transformed by the Holy Spirit, and reliance on Christ’s presence. These are the lives that bless the nations.

Those of us who have received Jesus Christ—we have a party every day if we really learn to enjoy it! He's here! He's within us! He never leaves us. He never forsakes us.


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