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For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!

Isaiah 64:4

Listen with us as Luis delves into the importance of living a life ablaze with God's presence. From Isaiah's cries for God's intervention to Paul's reminders of faith revival, allow the Holy Spirit to ignite passion and enthusiasm in your heart once again. With personal stories and biblical insights, Luis invites older generations to bless and inspire the younger ones, fostering a community fueled by God's fire. Join us and be encouraged to embrace radical renewal in your walk with Christ.

Listen with us as Luis delves into the importance of living a life ablaze with God's presence. From Isaiah's cries for God's intervention to Paul's reminders of faith revival, allow the Holy Spirit to ignite passion and enthusiasm in your heart once again. With personal stories and biblical insights, Luis invites older generations to bless and inspire the younger ones, fostering a community fueled by God's fire. Join us and be encouraged to embrace radical renewal in your walk with Christ.

If you're filled with the Holy Spirit, there is authority—there is power. You talk to people and they know God has spoken to them.


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