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Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.

Acts 20:28

In a heartfelt sermon, Luis teaches the essence of servant leadership within the local church, echoing the humility and dedication exemplified by the apostle Paul. With tears and sincerity, Paul's ministry became a beacon of truth. Emphasizing repentance, endurance through hardship, and unwavering testimony to the Gospel of grace, Luis humbly exhorts leaders to shepherd with compassion. Dictatorial models should be shunned, and instead, the Holy Spirit's guidance should be embraced. Urging action against false teaching, Luis leaves us with a somber reminder of the weighty responsibility of guarding the flock.

In a heartfelt sermon, Luis teaches the essence of servant leadership within the local church, echoing the humility and dedication exemplified by the apostle Paul. With tears and sincerity, Paul's ministry became a beacon of truth. Emphasizing repentance, endurance through hardship, and unwavering testimony to the Gospel of grace, Luis humbly exhorts leaders to shepherd with compassion. Dictatorial models should be shunned, and instead, the Holy Spirit's guidance should be embraced. Urging action against false teaching, Luis leaves us with a somber reminder of the weighty responsibility of guarding the flock.

When we are responsible before the Lord, there is a servant attitude, not an imposition attitude, not a dictatorship.


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