This is Part
of the series entitled,
A Legacy of Faith
This is Part
of the series entitled,
A Legacy of Faith

Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.

Genesis 12:1

Let Luis prepare you for a captivating journey through the intertwined lives of Abraham and Lot in this thought-provoking introductory sermon. Delve into their familial connection and the consequential legacy they left behind. Luis uses the analogy of their diverging paths to draw parallels to our own lives, emphasizing the enduring impact of our choices on future generations. Abraham heeded God's call to leave his homeland and was dramatically separated from Lot in Chapter 13 of Genesis. Will you build your life on the unwavering foundation of Christ—the ultimate rock in the storms of life? Our choices are powerful, and Christ’s love is steadfast. Get started on this series for peace and spiritual growth.

Let Luis prepare you for a captivating journey through the intertwined lives of Abraham and Lot in this thought-provoking introductory sermon. Delve into their familial connection and the consequential legacy they left behind. Luis uses the analogy of their diverging paths to draw parallels to our own lives, emphasizing the enduring impact of our choices on future generations. Abraham heeded God's call to leave his homeland and was dramatically separated from Lot in Chapter 13 of Genesis. Will you build your life on the unwavering foundation of Christ—the ultimate rock in the storms of life? Our choices are powerful, and Christ’s love is steadfast. Get started on this series for peace and spiritual growth.

If we want to be able to face the storms of life, we must remember that it’s building on the rock that makes the difference.


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