This is Part
of the series entitled,
The Living Word
This is Part
of the series entitled,
The Living Word

Praise the Lord! How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying his commands.

Psalm 112:1

Luis helps us uncover God's profound promises as he guides us through scripture, pointing to forgiveness, sanctification, and divine care. Psalm 1 unveils blessings for those delighting in the Lord's law, while Psalm 112 showcases God’s abundant life for the obedient. When we spend time in God's Word, our fruitfulness is fortified by faith to gain victory over our spiritual struggles. Even in the face of challenges like fatherlessness, division, and loss, solace can be found in God's provision and Biblical wisdom. Let's embrace His forgiveness and share the Good News as we journey deeper into God's heart. His promises shine like beacons of hope.

Luis helps us uncover God's profound promises as he guides us through scripture, pointing to forgiveness, sanctification, and divine care. Psalm 1 unveils blessings for those delighting in the Lord's law, while Psalm 112 showcases God’s abundant life for the obedient. When we spend time in God's Word, our fruitfulness is fortified by faith to gain victory over our spiritual struggles. Even in the face of challenges like fatherlessness, division, and loss, solace can be found in God's provision and Biblical wisdom. Let's embrace His forgiveness and share the Good News as we journey deeper into God's heart. His promises shine like beacons of hope.

Go more into the Lord, not just to rejoice over the forgiveness of sins, but for growth and holiness and knowing the mind of God.


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