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Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Join Luis as he delves into the timeless wisdom of Proverbs, his favorite book of the Bible. Proverbs guide listeners toward a life of trust, obedience, and faithfulness. Explore the Biblical principles of tithing and charity and the promises that follow obedience. Learn the joy of generous giving, trusting in God's provision and experiencing His abundant grace. Don't miss this inspiring teaching on God's blessings and His call to share Jesus with the world.

Join Luis as he delves into the timeless wisdom of Proverbs, his favorite book of the Bible. Proverbs guide listeners toward a life of trust, obedience, and faithfulness. Explore the Biblical principles of tithing and charity and the promises that follow obedience. Learn the joy of generous giving, trusting in God's provision and experiencing His abundant grace. Don't miss this inspiring teaching on God's blessings and His call to share Jesus with the world.

It's exciting to get a gift. But the Bible says it's more exciting, more fulfilling, more blessed to give than to receive, man.


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