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For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!

Isaiah 64:4

Join us in embracing the hope of Heaven through Jesus Christ as you witness Luis’ eager anticipation of its eternal splendor. Despite life's challenges, his contagious enthusiasm shines, fueled by the unwavering joy of heavenly anticipation. Even in illness, comfort is found in this divine promise. Do you stand confident in the security of the beauty awaiting us? Let's allow the hope of Heaven to fill our hearts with boundless joy.

Join us in embracing the hope of Heaven through Jesus Christ as you witness Luis’ eager anticipation of its eternal splendor. Despite life's challenges, his contagious enthusiasm shines, fueled by the unwavering joy of heavenly anticipation. Even in illness, comfort is found in this divine promise. Do you stand confident in the security of the beauty awaiting us? Let's allow the hope of Heaven to fill our hearts with boundless joy.

While I love spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ on this earth, I’m excited to meet Jesus and see Him face-to-face.


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