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Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.”

John 20:29

Listen along to this thought-provoking sermon as Luis Palau explores the profound impact of Jesus' resurrection on individuals like Mary Magdalene and doubting Thomas. Through personal encounters and Biblical teaching, delve into the reality of God's existence and the invitation to believe and follow Him. Whether you're seeking hope or renewal, this sermon offers wisdom and encouragement for your spiritual journey. Re-discover the power of faith in the risen Christ.

Listen along to this thought-provoking sermon as Luis Palau explores the profound impact of Jesus' resurrection on individuals like Mary Magdalene and doubting Thomas. Through personal encounters and Biblical teaching, delve into the reality of God's existence and the invitation to believe and follow Him. Whether you're seeking hope or renewal, this sermon offers wisdom and encouragement for your spiritual journey. Re-discover the power of faith in the risen Christ.

The resurrection story says—there is life, there is life, there is life—He is alive, but He wants to be alive in your heart!


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